Sunday, 8 August 2010

Moving day tomorrow

Well this is the last night in St Francis Rd. We've lived her for eighteen years, David has grown up here, I 've finished one career and started a new one.
It's the first time we've lived anywhere long enough to really put roots down and we've made so many good friends, it's a real wrench to leave.
But I so want to go back to Dorset, I want to be able to go to the sea whenever I feel like it, I want to live away from the sound of traffic and in a place where I can see the stars and I want a studio.
Our new home answers all of these requirements and , yes, it will take time to settle, maybe longer than when we were younger, but I am looking forward making new friends and the challenge of working in a new landscape.
And meanwhile, lots of you have said you will come to visit and I really hope you will. As you can see, Sadie is determined we won't leave her behind!

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